Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's here...ROCK STAR! is here!

Welcome back Dream Weaver Novels friends and fans!!
Hope your New Year has started with a bang!'s finally here!
The long awaited (since March) release of the second book in the
Dream Weaver Novels series. 
On January 15, 2014


 is finally available to the public. 

The Kindle version of ROCK STAR is live on Amazon for $2.99. The paperback version will be available by January 20.
DREAM WEAVER is still available for just $1.99 if you'd like catch up on the story before you read Rock Star.
 Dream Weaver continues to receive 5 Star Reviews from independent book reviewers and professional review sites.

"A lot can happen to a girl in a year...
She can survive and wonder why...
She can lose her innocence and find her way...
She can fall in love and be afraid... 
And on a cold dark night, at the hand of a friend...
She can die."

Rockin' the Cover Design
We're knocking out a few bugs on the cover design, but here's a tentative mock up for you!
And check back on January 20, for a package deals of both Dream Weaver and Rock Star!

Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough to say to all the new friends and fans I've found over the last few months. The indie writing community is amazing!

 And as always...

Dare to Dream!!!


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